Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP)* South Sumatra in December 2010 amounted to 107.78 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Palembang Municipality

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Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP)* South Sumatra in December 2010 amounted to 107.78 percent

Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP)* South Sumatra in December 2010 amounted to 107.78 percentDownload Official Statistics News
Release Date : January 3, 2011
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Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP)* South Sumatra in December 2010 was 107.78 percent, indicated that in general the purchasing power of farmers in December 2010 was better than the 2007 base year. Compared to the previous month, the December 2010 NTP remained unchanged or equal to 0.00 percent, due to an increase in the price index received by farmers in general is almost compared to the increase in the price index paid by farmers.
  • NTP Padi & Palawija in South Sumatra in December 2010 amounted to 118.23 percent, indicating that paddy and palawija farmers are relatively prosperous compared to the 2007 base year. When compared to the month Earlier, the NTP of rice and crops in December 2010 rose by 0.44 percent.
  • Horticulture NTP in December 2010 amounted to 117.76 percent, meaning the level of welfare of farmers horticulture is better than the 2007 base year. When compared to the previous month, NTP December horticulture dropped by 0.51 percent.
  • NTP of People's Plantation Plantations (Planters) in South Sumatra in December 2010 amounted to 90.26 percent, indicating that planters in South Sumatra still experience a fairly high deficit. However if Compared to the previous month, the exchange rate of planters in December 2010 increased by 0.13 percent
  • Farmer Exchange Rates in South Sumatra in December 2010 amounted to 106.42 percent, shows that the level of welfare of farmers is relatively better compared to the base year 2007. But if compared to the previous month, the exchange rate of farmers decreased by 1.36 percent.
  • Farmer Exchange Rates in South Sumatra in December 2010 amounted to 106.42 percent, shows that the level of welfare of farmers is relatively better compared to the base year 2007. But if Compared to the previous month, the exchange rate of farmers decreased by 1.36 percent.
  • Rural inflation / deflation is indicated by changes in the price index of goods and services consumed by households the farmer. In December 2010, rural areas in South Sumatra experienced inflation of 1.03 percent, mainly due to the increase in the price index of the foodstuffs group of 1.41 percent.

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